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Funded : Apply for the International Labor Organization (ILO) Social Finance Fellowship Programme!

For inclusion in its Fellowship Programme roster and possible placement in one of three countries—Mozambique, Sierra Leone, or the Solomon Islands—qualified professionals with experience in inclusive finance, microfinance, insurance, and development are invited to apply to the ILO's Social Finance Fellowship Programme. It is anticipated that the projects will begin by the end of 2024's third quarter.

Professionals with experience in enterprise development and finance are encouraged to apply their knowledge to effectively offer inclusive financial services to low-income households and entrepreneurs through the Social Finance Fellowship Programme.

In order to create a new generation of professionals with experience serving emerging customers, the Social Finance fellowship programme aims to close skills gaps and pair qualified professionals with organisations operating at the forefront of financial inclusion and private sector development.

Every fellow will be assigned to a host organisation to assist with an innovation project for a minimum of one year. The project may involve the introduction of a digital solution, public-private cooperation, financial product, or distribution relationship.

Professionals in the fields of financial inclusion, insurance, or development who have at least five years of technical experience and are eager to use their expertise to advance social justice in developing nations are welcome to apply. Applicants will be added to the roster and given consideration for the previously mentioned fellowship opportunity if they meet the necessary qualifications.

Fellowship in Social Finance obligations and anticipated results
The fellow will be in charge of offering technical support to the host and partner financial institutions in a way that advances the project's goals of expanding financial access and launching appropriate financial services that encourage the gradual formalisation of unofficial enterprises.

Among the specific responsibilities were, but are not restricted to:

coordinating with the ILO, the host organisation, and the affiliated financial institutions to guarantee the project's timely and effective execution;
familiarity with legal frameworks to guarantee that recommendations are in line with regional financial industry and business formalisation laws;

The application process for interested candidates is as follows: download and complete the application form; send it to socialfinance@ilo.org together with a cover letter and resume, with the subject line "Application - Social Finance Fellowship in Mozambique/Solomon Islands/Sierra Leone." Submissions must be made by June 11, 2024, at 23:59 (CEST).

Additional Information

Program Type
Fully Funded
Eligibility Criteria
be proactive and prepared to document learning experiences during the fellowship; be interested in working on development issues in developing countries; be seriously committed to providing inclusive financial and insurance services and continuing to practise in the field after the assignment; be resourceful and capable of organising practical necessities related to travel, life, and work in a new environment; and have the necessary expertise to contribute to activities related to financial incl

Funded : Apply for the International Labor Organization (ILO) Social Finance Fellowship Programme! 0 reviews

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