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FULLY FUNDED  TO NEW YORK: Apply for the United Nations Nippon Foundation Strategic Needs Fellowship Programme

Applications are being accepted for the 2024 session of the Nippon Foundation Strategic Needs Fellowship Programme by the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations, Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (OLA/DOALOS).

In order to address identified strategic needs in the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and related instruments, as well as Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 and other related SDGs, the Nippon Foundation Strategic Needs Fellowship is intended to support developing states, especially least developed countries, small island developing states, and landlocked developing countries. The Fellowship is intended for government employees who hold important positions in their administration and are responsible for addressing the aforementioned issues but have little experience with ocean affairs or maritime law.

Selected Fellows attend a four-month training session at OLA/DOALOS at UN Headquarters in New York. The programme is built around a basic curriculum and is supplemented with a highly customised individual curriculum created in conjunction with the nominating State.

The structure, curriculum, and deliverables of the fellowship
The Fellowship is a four-month training programme at the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, at UN Headquarters in New York. For the chosen candidates, DOALOS creates a highly customised personalised curriculum based on the high-priority needs indicated by their respective States, with the goal of enhancing Fellows' capacity to support the State in effectively addressing such needs.

The Fellows will also have full access to the training programmes created for the UN-NF Fellows, providing them with chances for further education and networking.
Several assignments that must be finished in relation to the training programme and the creation of an ocean governance matrix are among the deliverables of the fellowship programme.

Fellows may participate in a learning placement with a Department of the United Nations Secretariat, a specialised agency, an organisation linked with the United Nations, or any other pertinent organisation throughout the four-month training session, contingent upon requirements assessment.
Annually, the Strategic Needs Fellowship is available, often throughout the months of August through December.

Don't miss out on the application deadline which is 16th February 2024.

Scroll down for more details and click on the official link attached to apply now.

Additional Information

Host Institution
The Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations, Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (OLA/DOALOS)
Program Type
Fully Funded
Program Benefits
- A monthly stipend will be awarded to fellows for the duration of their fellowship, covering both their stay in New York and, in the case of United Nations - Nippon Foundation Fellows enrolled in the nine-month programme, their stay at the host institution for the second phase. According to United Nations travel regulations, the stipend is paid from the date the fellow leaves their home country until the fellowship is completed, with a maximum travel period of up to two days via the most direct air route.
- The monthly stipend that Fellows receive while they are abroad is meant to help with living expenses, food expenses, and other necessities like local transportation. Typically, the stipend is paid in the host nation's local currency. The stipend is not meant to pay for the Fellows' ongoing living expenses for themselves or their families; rather, it is not meant to be a salary or honorarium.
Eligibility Criteria
-The applicant must be between 25 and 40 years old, hold a first-level university degree, demonstrate advanced academic research and studies, and be from a developing state.
- Be representatives of the government who are directly involved in managing strategic issues pertaining to the sustainable development of oceans and seas, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development's implementation, national and/or regional ocean policies, the establishment of maritime zones and/or the demarcation of maritime boundaries, coastal zone management, marine transportation and shipping, maritime security, the preservation and protection of the marine environment, and/or marine
Eligible Countries
Developing States

FULLY FUNDED  TO NEW YORK: Apply for the United Nations Nippon Foundation Strategic Needs Fellowship Programme 0 reviews

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