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PAID FELLOWSHIP: Apply for this Social Media Advocacy Program for the International AIDS Conference 2024

The International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW), along with Y+ Global and GNP+, is excited to help young women advocates with HIV share their voices on social media at the 25th International AIDS Conference. This chance is for young women, including transgender, intersex, non-binary, and gender-fluid people with HIV, who want to improve their social media skills at AIDS 2024 in Munich.

The AIDS 2024 Social Media Advocacy Program is an 8-week course designed to boost youth involvement and visibility at the conference. Participants will act as social media reporters, creating posts to showcase conference activities and promote the theme: Put People First!

The training will cover basics of social media, making organizational posts, networking, navigating the conference, evidence-based advocacy, and planning social media content. The program aims to give young advocates the skills to represent AIDS 2024, spread important conversations about HIV, and raise awareness of community-led efforts on social media.

Participants will receive a $250 incentive.

See next section for more details and how to apply

Additional Information

Host Institution
AIDS Conference
Program Type
Fully Funded
Program Benefits
This is a paid opportunity and all selected people will be paid
Eligible Countries
This opportunity is open for all
Application Procedure
Click on the official link below to apply now

PAID FELLOWSHIP: Apply for this Social Media Advocacy Program for the International AIDS Conference 2024 0 reviews

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