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FULLY FUNDED TO BOSTON : Apply for the Massachusette Institute of Technology Fellowship 2024

Applications are open for the Knight Science Journalism Fellowships, Massachusette Institute of Technology, United States.


A global network of committed and perceptive journalists with a focus on reporting on science, health, technology, and the environment is supported by the Knight Science Fellowship at MIT.

The program's goal is to honour journalists from all over the world who exhibit a high degree of achievement and professional competence together with a sustained dedication to their industry. International journalists are welcome to apply and are encouraged to participate on an equal footing.

Ten science journalists from around the world are supported by the MIT Knight Science Fellowship Programme, which gives them the opportunity to develop their journalism, science, and technological skills. Through this programme, journalists can interact with top research universities worldwide while concentrating on a particular scientific niche.


Expert Autobiography: In no more than 500 words, explain your motivation for applying to the Knight Science Journalism Fellowship Programme and how it aligns with your career objectives.
Curriculum Vitae or Resume: Give a succinct summary of your training, employment background, and accolades received in your field. (Freelancers ought to attach a list of their recent 12-month freelancing projects that they have accomplished. Add the date of publication or transmission, the location, and each tale.) Research Project Proposal: Summarise a project you plan to work on during the fellowship year in no more than 500 words. Using the tools and contacts at their disposal, fellows are expected to design a project that makes the most of their time and experiences at MIT. The research project must have a journalism foundation, but it is not limited by conventional guidelines and can take on any form, including multimedia, long-form, narrative series, video, audio, installations, etc.

Note that although the research project may include a book proposal, fellows are not permitted to sell the proposal or come in with an agreement to create a book during the fellowship year. Note that although the research project may include a book proposal, fellows are not permitted to sell the proposal or come in with an agreement to create a book during the fellowship year.

Please submit five work samples that are pertinent. Select examples that most effectively highlight your areas of interest and expertise. If the work was not done in English, kindly provide a translation.
A trio of expert references: Send us three recommendation letters, please. Comments on your skills and dedication to journalism should be made by those who are acquainted with your work. Recommendation letter requests will be automatically forwarded to the recommenders whose names and contact information applicants supply on the application form.

Don't miss out on the application deadline which is 15th January 2024.

Scroll down for more details and click on the official link attached to apply now.

Additional Information

Host Institution
Massachusette Institute of Technology
Program Type
Fully Funded
Program Benefits
An $85,000 stipend, distributed in increments over 9.5 months, is awarded to fellows.
allowance for relocation
Every colleague and their family will receive basic health insurance.
Eligibility Criteria
Become full-time reporters, whether employed by a company or not. Writers and producers who work part-time are not eligible.
possess a minimum of three years' worth of experience reporting on science, health, technology, and the environment.
Become photojournalists, writers, editors, producers, illustrators, or filmmakers. Work for periodicals, newspapers, radio, television, and digital media falls under this category.
Before applying for the Knight Science Journalism Fellowship, candidates cannot have completed a fellowship that lasted more than four months in the two years before.
Eligible Countries
All Countries

FULLY FUNDED TO BOSTON : Apply for the Massachusette Institute of Technology Fellowship 2024 0 reviews

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